Newzik: the top 3 of your favorite features

For many musicians, the emergence of applications for digital reading, annotation and export of scores has revolutionized musical practice. With the multiplication of ways tolearn to read scores and to share them, online music management tools have become increasingly popular. Platform for online score reading and management Newzik enables musicians, teachers, students, bands and orchestras to access and modify scores whenever they want, from their computer screen or tablet.

Zoom in on the top 3 options most activated by users of NewzikApp and NewzikWeb !

The top 3 of your favorite Newzik features

Some score management functions are available on Newzik and nowhere else. In fact, these are the functions most frequently activated by Newzik users, on tablets, smartphones and computers alike.

1. Updating and exporting partitions

Newzik makes it easy to manage scores on iPads, tablets and other digital screens. And it's by far the most popular option for app users!

Whether you're a pianist, guitarist or drummer, the interactivity of digital scores means that musicians can edit their scores wherever they are, whether they're using a 10-inch device, or a 12.9-inch iPad Pro tablet. A guitarist can annotate his score to signify specific fingerings, or a drummer can add visual cues for changes to rythm. Here are just a few of the options available for displaying and updating sheet music:

  • Separate parts: if you're a flautist, you don't need to see the whole band score, just your part. You can even adjust the display size to the size of your tablet for better reading.

  • Bookmarks: instant access to key sections of your scores with a simple click on your score page. A pianist can play a sonata and mark the precise point where the second movement begins, to return to it more easily during rehearsals.

  • Media files and audio recording: this function lets you add audio or video files to your scores for interactive accompaniment. A guitar teacher can insert a video demonstrating a difficult passage for his students, or a conductor can add an audio file of the reference performance to guide his musicians.

  • MIDI mixer: MIDI files can be adjusted directly within the application for optimum sound rendering. A composer can adjust the levels of the various instruments in an arrangement before sharing it with colleagues or presenting it to a musical ensemble.

  • Turning pages with pedals: a revolutionary option that lets you turn pages without even lifting your hands from your instrument! A typical example is that of pianists in concert, who can use a Bluetooth pedal to switch from one page to another without interrupting their performance. It also works for guitarists or drummers using an iPad on a stand.


🎶 Looking for digital sheet music in dynamic PDF, MusicXML and MIDI formats? Discover our references for platforms where you can find online catalogs of songs and sheet music. !


2. The artificial intelligence technology offered by LiveScores

One of Newzik users' favorite features is LiveScorestechnology, which transforms your PDF scores into interactive, dynamic files. This breakthrough, based on artificial intelligence and optical music recognition (OMR) algorithms, generates playable MIDI files from your digitized scores. This means you can not only visualize the score, but also hear it, with an automatic cursor that follows the playback in real time.

A pianist, for example, can use this feature to practice by following the cursor on his score, while a composer can use the generated MIDI file to listen to a preview of his work before exporting it to notation software such as Finale or Sibelius.

What's more, conversion to MusicXML files enables seamless use in different software programs, which is particularly useful for musicians wishing to modify or orchestrate works. Imagine a guitarist wishing to transpose a score to suit another tonality : with Newzik, this operation is quick and easy, thanks to conversion and editing of digital files.


🎶 As a guitar teacher, do you need to retrieve tablature format from trusted sites? Ultimate Guitar, 911 Tabs, Tab Scout: discover our selection of 10 must-have platforms to feed your catalog of guitar scores and tablatures !


3. Creating and feeding collaborative projects

Another feature that Newzik users love is the ability to work on collaborative projects directly within the application. This is an ideal solution for music groups, orchestras, or teachers and their students. Not only can you annotate and organize your scores on your tablet or iPad, but you can also share these annotations with other musicians in real time.

A piano teacher can share annotated scores with his students, adding comments or corrections, and receive feedback from students after their rehearsals. Similarly, a music group can work together on a collaborative project, ensuring that each member has access to the most recent version of each score.

With Newzik Premium, you get unlimited storage for your sheet music in the Cloud, which means you can take your entire music library with you, whether you're in rehearsal, in concert, or in class. A rock band, for example, can organize all its guitar, drum and vocal scores into a single project, and access them from any device, even while on tour. What's more, with options such as automatic transposition of PDF scores, you can easily adapt your songs to suit the instruments available or the voices of your musicians.

The benefits of an intelligent music application for computers, tablets and smartphones

Whether you play piano, guitar, drums, compose, solo or in a group, the Newzik application will support you in every aspect of your musical practice.

Available on iPad tablets, smartphones and computers, Newzik offers you a complete ecosystem for managing your scores, collaborating with other musicians, and even teaching music remotely. This flexibility means you can switch from one device to another without losing the thread, ensuring that your scores and tools are always at hand, wherever you are.


💡 Thanks to Cloud integration, there's no need to exchange files by e-mail or worry about working on outdated versions. Everything is centralized, secure, and accessible from any device, whether you're on an iPad, Android tablet, or computer thanks to the Newzik Web options.


Access to digital scores anywhere, anytime

With Newzik, your scores are no longer limited by paper. Whether you're traveling, touring, or simply away from your studio, you can access your digital scores from any connected device. If you're working on a piece at home on your iPadtablet, you can continue it the next day on your smartphone when you're out and about, then finalize it on your computer.

Thanks to this technology, you don't need to carry stacks of paper scores with you, or risk losing important documents. Everything is stored in the Newzik Cloud, accessible in a matter of seconds, even when you're in rehearsal or at a concert. A pianist, for example, can prepare his score at home and instantly find it on stage with his iPad, safe in the knowledge that all his annotations and modifications are up to date.

What's more, the application allows you to turn pages without touching the screen, thanks in particular to Bluetooth pedals, which is very practical for musicians in concert. Scores can also be easily reorganized or shared in real time between ensemble musicians connected to the same score library.


🎼 Turn your stacks of sheet music into an organized, interactive library! Add your setlists and organize your recordings all in one place by creating asingle or shared access library.


An ideal tool for teaching music at a distance

Remote music teaching has become increasingly popular, and Newzik is proving to be an essential tool for teachers and students alike. Thanks to its advanced annotation and sharing functions, a teacher can follow the progress of his or her students even if they are thousands of kilometers away.

With Newzik, a piano teacher can annotate a student's score in real time during an online lesson. He can, for example, add fingering indications or specific comments on the interpretation of a difficult passage. Enriching these annotations with audio or video files is also possible: a guitar teacher can integrate a video demonstration of a complex riff or an audio example to illustrate a particular passage. This allows students to review the lesson at their own rythm and better understand the corrections.

The application also makes it easy to measure student progress. A teacher can track students' feedback on exercises sent in, analyze their interpretations, and make additional comments directly on the score. This creates a continuous feedback cycle, essential for effective distance learning.


💡 With the NewzikEducation remote music teaching support platform, teachers can annotate their students' scores in real time with just a few clicks, and enrich their exercises with audio or video tracks. With this tool, students' progress can be viewed on a single screen at any time.


A host of features to enhance collaboration between musicians

Let's imagine a rock band where the guitarist, drummer and singer are scattered across different cities. By connecting to the Newzik application, they can all access the scores or tablatures directly from their tablet or computer, annotate their respective parts, and comment on the modifications made by the others. In this way, everyone is up to date and can prepare for rehearsals with the latest version of the pieces. What's more, the conductor or band leader can add general comments visible to all project members. This is the main advantage of the NewzikEnsemble platform!

Newzik's collaborative features also extend to classical orchestras, where musicians can adjust separate parts and synchronize their annotations before a rehearsal or concert. For example, a violinist can annotate a rhythmic change in his part and ensure that all other violinists instantly receive the same change.


💡 One-click enriched score management, real-time data sharing : Newzik revolutionizes the way you play music. And that's priceless! Musicians: ready to get started? Let's play!


Guide: learning to read a piano score (beginner)


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