Profile - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Everyone knows the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, especially the universal aria The Queen of the Night from the opera The Magic Flute. Despite his fame, few know the story of the famous composer. Although he died at the premature age of 35, the classical musician still had time to compose no fewer than 600 works, including symphonies that have become iconic pieces of classical music.

A prodigy, Mozart left his mark on classical music with his genius and his famous symphonies. Compositions, journeys and key dates in the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Newzik looks back at the story of one of the icons who revolutionized classical music.

The birth of a prodigy

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose full name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, **** was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, in what is now Austria.

From an early age, the child prodigy showed an exceptional talent for music. His father, Leopold Mozart, was himself an accomplished musician and respected composer. He quickly recognized his son's extraordinary abilities and decided to educate him personally. The young Wolfgang memorized a large number of sounds in record time. By the age of four, Wolfgang was playing the harpsichord and violin with disconcerting ease, and by the age of five, he was composing his first musical pieces.

The art of composing music before you can write it

Mozart was a true child prodigy. Long before he learned to count, write and read, the young musician could decipher a score and play it perfectly. Even before he could read properly, Wolfgang Amadeus was composing complex musical pieces. By the age of six, Mozart had already composed small harpsichord pieces, five minuets, an allegro and a sonata in 1762. Between the ages of 7 and 8, Mozart composed over fifty works. At the age of six, he toured Europe with his father Leopold Mozart and his elder sister Maria Anna, performing for the nobility and the royal court. This European tour confirmed his reputation as a prodigious musical star. During this trip, Mozart met many renowned musicians and was enriched by a wide range of musical styles, which were to become important influences on his future symphonic works. Mozart began composing his first opera at the age of 11: Apollo and Hyacinthus.

A piano and violin virtuoso, but not only...

Beyond his impressive skills on piano and violin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed works for many musical genres of his time, excelling in all of them. His perfection is particularly recognized in the realization of the concerto, the symphony and the sonata. The musician is also universally recognized as one of the great masters of opera.

Mozart: one of the great exponents of the "classical" style

Mozart is often considered one of the greatest exponents of classical-style music and of the Viennese classical school, alongside other luminaries of the era such as Ludwig Van Beethoven and Joseph Haydn. Classical music, which developed in the mid-18ᵉ century following the demise of Johann Sebastian Bach, is distinguished by its clarity, balance and rigorous formal structure.

Mozart's compositions perfectly embody these criteria. His masterful use of sonata form, harmony and counterpoint, and his ability to fuse emotion with solid formal structure, are considered exemplary.

Mozart also contributed to the evolution of classical opera, with works such as The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and The Magic Flute, which combine elements of comedy, drama and magic with sublime music.

Austrian composer and spiritual father of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn immediately recognized Mozart as a true genius, showing him unparalleled admiration and affection. After having been his teacher, Haydn became his friend, guiding him towards the excellence that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was able to demonstrate.

Mozart's musical language and symphonicworks

Mozart was born in Austria, and was one of the leading musicians of the Viennese classical school. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's rich and varied musical output enabled him to develop a personal style from an early age. He composed extensively, including

  • 41 symphonies,

  • 20 operas,

  • 27 concertos for piano and orchestra,

  • 18 piano sonatas,

  • 23 string quartets,

  • as well as a large number of serenades.

Among Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's many compositions, his symphonic works take pride of place. In all, Mozart composed 41 symphonieseach one a testament to his musical genius. The symphony n°40 in G minor, K. 550, is particularly famous for its emotional intensity. Symphony no. 41 in C major, K. 551, nicknamed Jupiter, is another masterpiece that illustrates the apogee of his symphonic art.

A look back at the key dates in the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

January 27, 1756 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is born in Salzburg, Austria.

From 1762 to 1766 - Mozart traveled throughout Europe on a musical tour with his father, employed by Prince-Archbishop Sigismund of Schrattenbach, and his sister Maria Anna. His stops included Vienna, Munich, Frankfurt, Brussels, Paris, Versailles, London, Amsterdam and Geneva.

1764 - First symphony (Symphony no. 1 in E-flat major, K. 16): At just eight years of age, Mozart composed his first symphony, a remarkable feat for a child of his age.

1769-1771: Mozart made three trips to Italy, where he composed several operas and symphonies, including Mitridate, re di Ponto when he was 14*.

1772: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is appointed concert master (Konzertmeister) at the court of the Archbishop of Salzburg.

1777-1778: Mozart travels to Paris, where he composes several important works.

1782 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composes The Abduction from the Seraglio (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), a three-act opera that is one of the first of Mozart's major works to achieve significant success in Vienna.

1786 - The musician composes the opera The Marriage of Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro), a perfect example of Mozart's art, combining humor, social satire and wonderfully expressive music.

1787 - Mozart returns to Vienna and is appointed musician to the emperor.

1787 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart creates another operatic masterpiece, Don Giovanni. A perfect fusion of drama and comedy, often considered one of the greatest operas ever written.

1791 - The musical prodigy composes Die Zauberflöte ( The Magic Flute ), the most cult opera of his career. The opera is a unique blend of fairy tale, mysticism and philosophy, with music that still captivates audiences around the world today.

1791 - Before his death, Mozart was working on his Requiem composition. The work, left unfinished, was completed by his pupil Franz Xaver Süssmayr. The Requiem remains one of Mozart's most poignant compositions, imbued with profound gravity and emotion.

December 5, 1791 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies in Vienna, Austria.


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