5 good reasons to learn to play a musical instrument as an adult

5 good reasons to learn to play a musical instrument as an adult

Have you always dreamed of playing a musical instrument, but never dared to take the plunge? Good news, it's never too late to venture into the intoxicating world of melodies and musical notes. Learning to play music as an adult can even be an enriching and beneficial experience on many levels.

Whether you're passionate about piano, guitar, drums, violin or ukulele, discover 5 good reasons to learn to play music as an adult and blossom at rythm .

Is there an age limit for learning to play a musical instrument?

Learning to play a musical instrument as an adult presents different challenges to those faced by children, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's more difficult. In fact, it depends on a number of factors: 

  • your motivation,

  • your time availability,

  • your learning skills.

Rest assured, it's never too late to learn new things, even if it can sometimes take more time and effort for an adult than for a child. So arm yourself with patience and get started!

Discover our interview with Isabelle Viennot "At what age can you start learning music?"

Do you need to have learned music theory as a child to be able to play an instrument as an adult?

Starting out on Children music instrument will enable you to develop a solid foundation of musical knowledge and music theory over time. As an adult, you may feel a little discouraged if you have no prior musical knowledge to begin with. But the good news is that once you begin to understand the basic concepts of music theory with your teacher (solfeggio, reading notes on a scorescales, rythm, etc), you'll be able to make rapid progress. 

Learning music is a rewarding experience at any age. The key is to be persistent, regular and motivated, and to find pleasure in playing your musical instrument.

Still not sure? Here are 5 good reasons to stop hesitating and start playing your favorite musical instrument right away! 

1) Playing a musical instrument contributes to your personal development

For adults, music is a unique opportunity to rediscover the joy of learning and develop a new skill. Unlike childhood, when learning your first first musical instrument can sometimes be constrained by the expectations of parents or school musicschool music educationas an adult, the initiative comes from oneself.

By learning a musical instrument of your own choosing, you're free to explore your creativity and challenge yourself.

Music also helps to build self-confidence in both children and adults. The learning process, though demanding, brings tangible results over time. The progress made in playing the instrument and the ability to perform more complex pieces and the ability to play more complex pieces. 

2.musical practice reduces stress

When you play or listen to music, it has a calming effect on the mind, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Music stimulates the release of endorphins, giving you a sense of well-being. Immersing yourself in music requires concentration on the present moment. For many, music serves as a catharsis, offering an escape from everyday worries

Music acts as a form of active meditation, where time seems suspended, and you lose yourself in the beauty of the sounds. This moment of escape allows you to release the tensions accumulated during the day at work, reduce stress and renew your mental energy.

Finally, certain types of music, such as classical or meditative music, have a soothing effect on the nervous system, leading to a state of relaxation.

3. music: your brain's ally

Learning music as an adult is more than just a passion - it's also a stimulating workout for the brain. Playing a musical instrument improves memory, concentration, coordination and learning ability.

Learning to read a score or play a piece of music requires constant stimulation of the brain. This process of complex learning and active listening promotes cognitive development and, in some cases, can even help slow age-related cognitive decline. So, learning music as an adult offers much more than harmonious notes; it's a real mental exercise that nourishes and sustains the mind throughout life.

4. you share your passion with other musicians

When you think of music, you also think of the opportunity to share new and enriching experiences with others. Joining a jazz band, taking part in guitar or piano lessons with a teacher or performing in public allows adults to meet like-minded people and forge new bonds. Music creates a universal language that transcends cultural barriers. By playing with other musicians, you develop a sense of belonging to a musical community where everyone makes their own contribution. In addition to boosting self-confidence, music reduces social isolation. Beyond the notes and chords, learning music as an adult is a social experience that brings joy to your daily life and precious shared memories.


📱 Playing in an orchestra or band? Thanks to the Newzik Ensembletool, access all your scores, wherever you are from your iPad or computer! Other musicians can annotate the scores, and you see the changes instantly.


5.choose the learning method best suited to your needs

One of the advantages of learning adult music is that you can decide which method best suits your preferences, availability and goals. Being able to choose your learning method allows you to find the approach that best suits your personal preferences

Some adults choose to take private lessons with an experienced experienced teacher who offers personalized guidance. This allows you to progress at your own pace rythm, work on specific aspects of your musical playing and receive advice tailored to your practice. You can also opt for group lessons, which offer a stimulating atmosphere. This approach can be motivating and encouraging, especially if you're a beginner.

Finally, you have access to a wide range of online resources, such as video tutorials, interactive learning applications and online courses. These platforms enable you to create your own timetable and progress at your own pace rythm, both flexibly and autonomously.

Whether it's to put your passion for the piano into practice, challenge yourself to develop new skills or simply for your own personal enjoyment, learning music as an adult offers multiple benefits and advantages. So whether you're a beginner or already have some musical experience, it's never too late to get swept away by the unique vibrations that music provides.


🎶 With your teacher or while practicing at home, access all your scores with a single click thanks to the interactive interactive sheet music player ! Having trouble playing a note? Annotate your score directly on your tablet and share it with your teacher. With Newzik, playing sheet music has never been so easy! Let's play!


Learn to play the solfeggio: 5 practical and fun tips


Practice, stage: the art of transmitting and interpreting the scores of a musical composition according to Thomas Nguyen